Boarding / Hostels / Second Home

“That ICPA (Aust) works with the Department of Education to explore the possibility of extending the Commonwealth Regional Scholarships Program into the future.”


The creation of the Commonwealth Regional Scholarships program was warmly welcomed by ICPA members across regional and remote Australia.  The opportunity for families whose only choice for a compulsory secondary education for their children is to send them away to boarding school, to be able to apply for and possibly receive a scholarship and significant financial support was an exciting prospect and one that hundreds applied for.  And whilst the scope of the program was in no way large enough to be inclusive of the hundreds of families who applied, it was seen as the Federal Government recognising that many regional and remote students and their families are in dire need of financial support to educate their children.  We hope that through considered advocacy Federal Council will be able to demonstrate that continuing this program is of great importance and will have a positive impact on families for years to come. 
